Do you feel called to help women step into their full potential, and have greater impact through their voices and their contributions?

Our training has two layers:

Layer One

Stepping into Your  Playing Bigger

In our courses, we define playing big from the inside out. It’s not about doing what’s more prestigious, or what looks “big” to others. It’s about bringing forward your unique contribution – and discovering the clarity and confidence to do so.

In the Playing Big Facilitators Training, you’ll get the tools and support to play bigger – starting now. Our participants experience amazing results: Entrepreneurs launch, transform or grow their businesses. Participants working inside organizations gain new skills to make work less stressful and more fulfilling, and share their voices and values more fully.

You’ll learn how to quiet self-doubt, move through fear, let go of over-preparing and perfectionism, uncover your own wisdom, and much more – through the proven Playing Big model – with live coaching, teaching, and support from me every week.

Layer Two

Empowering Those You Support to Play Bigger

Imagine: What if you knew just what to say – and what to do – when a brilliant person in your life was mired in self-criticism? What if you knew how to help them move past a fear? What if, within a few minutes of asking a few key questions, you could help them access their own unfailing inner wisdom?

It’s possible. For more than a decade now, the thousands of women who experience the Playing Big tools report that as a result they 1) feel more confident 2) share their unique ideas more boldly 3) can more easily access their inner wisdom and 4) are playing bigger in their work.

What would it mean for you to be able to bring those kinds of changes to the people you serve? The Playing Big Facilitators Training is where you will learn to do just that. Through live teaching, coaching, and training in this program, I share everything I’ve learned about how to help others play bigger.

This training is accredited by International Coach Federation (ICF) for 40 Continuing Coach Education (CCE) units.

“The Playing Big Facilitators Training has taken my coaching practice to a deeper level. I have been able to facilitate shifts in perspective and daily practices far seamlessly than I had in the past. This transformational work MUST be shared.”

Krysta McNutt, Empath Coaching & Consulting

“When I facilitate leadership journeys for senior women executives, I often use a selection of the Playing Big tools. I have rarely found tools that have such a profound impact in such a short period of time.”

Dr. Tanvi Gautam, Founder, Leadershift Inc.

“The Playing Big tools have been invaluable to help me break out of my academic shell in order to help my work have more impact. I used the Playing Big tools to quiet my inner critic, realize my story has value as is, stop my hiding strategies and not fear critical feedback.”

Alice Pawley, Associate professor, School of Engineering Education, Purdue University
“After reading the Playing Big book and experiencing the power of the tools by myself, I decided to enroll in the Facilitators Training. The process was completely transformational! It has inspired me to take leaps and connect with the audience that I want to impact and serve.”
Lorena Carrasco
Co-Founder & Managing Partner at Ñustas
Tara Mohr

Early in my work coaching, I started to notice something: so often, my brilliant women clients simply couldn’t see their own brilliance. They didn’t see how ready they were to go for their aspirations, to do the work they most longed to do, to bring their visions into reality.

I was quite attuned to this because I was in the same struggle myself. I’d turned my back on my longing for a creative, entrepreneurial career and settled for an office job that looked fine from the outside, but that was not what I truly felt called to do. And I had every reason to feel confident: I’d been a high achiever in my career so far, and a good student in school, yet I found myself holding back out of fear and self-doubt in my work – tentative about my ideas, quiet with my voice.

So, my own journey and my coaching practice became laboratories to discover: what tools and changes really make the biggest difference in helping women play bigger from the inside out?

I spent a long time studying and living that question. I learned there are essential stepping stones on that journey to playing bigger: the inner work of learning to manage self-doubt, find one’s own inner wisdom, navigate fear, and unhook from praise and criticism. And there’s also the practical learning – about how to communicate more powerfully, launch and test ideas more effectively, and combine meaningful work and caregiving.

These and other key elements are what I now share and support people in moving through, using the Playing Big model, which has now helped tens of thousands of individuals around the world release old, unhelpful patterns and achieve the impact they want to have. These are also the tools that have helped me personally step into fulfilling, nourishing work that I love for the past decade.

In this program, I share what I’ve learned with a community of practitioners – coaches, therapists, managers, academics, mentors, leadership development professionals and others – who feel called, as I do, to advance women and other marginalized people in this remarkable historical moment. Our tools and model were developed through work with women, and with a clear mission of increasing women’s impact for good in the world. We’ve found that our work is also applicable to supporting people who identify as any gender and who are struggling to find the confidence and path to making their desired contribution.

When we feel called to playing bigger, I believe it means something wonderful and important is calling to us. But the road is also riddled with challenges – both inner and outer. The Playing Big Facilitators Training community is all here to enable you to walk your journey to your authentic playing big and bring this work to others.

  • If you are witnessing those around you playing small and find you are lacking tools to truly help…
  • If you want to help forge a world where ethical, visionary, wise women and others lead and hold power…
  • If you’d love to create amazing results for the clients, team members, mentees you work with…
  • If you are longing for gatherings full of meaningful connection and learning to nourish you…
  • If you suspect there is something to discover about your own playing big right now…

I hope you’ll join us.

I look forward to supporting you.

With love,

What Leading Women Have To Say About Playing Big

At last this very important book has been written, encouraging women to take up all the creative space they deserve in the world. I hope it will empower legions of women to step into their greatness. I couldn’t be happier about this publication.

Elizabeth Gilbert
Author of Big Magic and Eat, Pray, Love
Tara Brach, PH.D.

With clarity, warmth and deep wisdom, Tara shines a light on our blocks to manifesting our potential, and offers practical, well-honed strategies that move us toward fulfillment. This is a book that can transform the trajectory of your life.

Tara Brach, PH.D.
Author of Radical Acceptance and True Refuge
Trudy Bourgeois

Tara is a brilliant Playing Big guide. She challenges women using courage and compassion to stop playing small and take a leap to achieve the breakthrough that they know is possible but don’t know how to make it happen. Tara has a game changing approach.

Trudy Bourgeois
President & CEO The Center for Workforce Excellence


About Tara Mohr

Tara Sophia Mohr

I bring to this program

  • Fifteen years of experience helping people empower themselves and achieve their dreams. I’ve coached thousands of women to start shining brightly and doing their unique work in the world, boldly.
  • With me, you get a very unique hybrid. You get the practical, grounded in the ‘real world’ side: I received my MBA from Stanford University, and have extensive training in leadership, negotiation, communication, entrepreneurship, and business. I have also been growing a thriving business – with a wonderful team – for the past several years.
  • You also get the psychological and spiritual side. I am a spiritual seeker, a certified coach, poet, and a woman with an understanding of the inner transformation needed for playing big.
  • And then there’s my personal journey. I’ve walked my own personal journey from playing small to playing bigger. Of course, I’m still growing, but I’m happy to say I’ve left what felt like a compromise career and created a life that feels deeply aligned with who I really am, my greatest loves, and the legacy I hope to leave. I also walk the daily integration of caring for myself, doing the work I feel called to do – and caring for others, both young children and elders.
Tara Mohr

Some more things about my background: I’m the author of Playing Big: Practical Wisdom for Women Who Want to Speak Up, Create, and Lead, published by Penguin, and named a Best Book of the Year by Apple’s iBooks.

I’m also creator and teacher of the acclaimed Playing Big leadership program, and Playing Big Facilitators Training for coaches, mentors and managers who support others in their personal and professional growth.

The Playing Big model has been featured on The Today Show and in publications ranging from The New York Times to goop to Harvard Business Review. I also love to share this work live with audiences, and have been a speaker at venues and companies including Watermark, TedxWomen, Emerging Women Live, Yelp and Intuit. The Playing Big model has been part of leadership development programs at Starbucks, Google, Aetna, Intuit, Bank of America, and many other companies, and also incorporated into middle and high schools around the world, supporting girls’ leadership development.

I earned my MBA from Stanford University and my undergraduate degree in English literature from Yale. My coaching training and certification is from CTI, the Co-Active Training Institute. All of those educational experiences, combined with a lifelong love of personal growth work, inform the Playing Big approach.

I’m a mom of three little people, doing my best to wear many hats each day – writer, coach, spiritual seeker, parent, partner, daughter. I live in San Francisco and I love long hilly walks, dance classes (on Zoom these days), superb coffee, and wearing cozy sweaters in the fog.

Our Bigger Mission

Tara Mohr

Brilliant, compassionate individuals holding back, underestimating themselves and not trusting their voices — this has to end.

It has to end because the world needs our contributions, our ideas, our wisdom.

When I take a look at the headlines, or watch a few minutes of the news, I’m struck by how the people in charge in our world don’t have the emotional intelligence, the wisdom, or the ethical integrity to use the power they have for good.

I want visionary, compassionate, wise people leading and holding power — because they are going to bring our world into balance and sanity. That’s why I do this work.

A Proven, Innovative Model

When you make the investment to be trained in the Playing Big model, you are choosing a proven approach that gets powerful results:

  • 94% of participants who have been trained in the Playing Big model report that as a result of the Playing Big tools, they can tap into their own inner wisdom more easily
  • 93% report they feel more confident
  • 90% report they feel reconnected to their passion and dreams for their lives
  • 93% are taking more action to pursue a calling
  • 91% share their ideas more frequently
  • 78% feel better prepared to negotiate on their own behalf
  • 85% are taking more initiative at work
  • 95% feel a greater sense that they are “enough” to do what they aim to do in the world

What would it be like to experience these powerful changes in yourself and to help bring them about for your clients, mentees and team members, too?

The 4 Part Playing Big Process

Part 1

Define & Clarify Playing Big

Discern what playing big looks like for you right now & discover your unique set of “core nutrients” – your required ingredients for peak satisfaction in your work and life. Learn how to help others define what playing big means to them.

Part 2

Inner Work for Playing Big

You’ll learn powerful questions, tools, exercises and more to support your playing big and the playing big of people you support, including work on Quieting the Inner Critic, Navigating Fear, Unhooking from Praise and Criticism, and more.

Part 3

Practical Skills Training for Playing Big

Learn new ways of taking action including Communicating with Power, Testing and Launching New Ideas, Navigating Negotiation, and more. Each module includes lab calls so you can practice using the tools with real-time feedback.

Part 4

Ongoing Support As You Move Forward

After the course, you’ll have complimentary access to future Facilitator Training sessions and our community network. As your playing big evolves, we’ll be there to support you over the long term.

The Playing Big Facilitators Training Curriculum

This training is accredited by International Coach Federation (ICF) for 46.5 Continuing Coach Education (CCE) units.

Part I


In this module, we talk about how to redefine playing big from the inside out. You’ll have a new sense of what playing big means to you (not what it means to your friends, family, coworkers and so on) – a vision for playing big that doesn’t feel stressful, or like it leaves you in a tug of war between your aspirations and your responsibilities. This is a true playing big that works with your whole life.

You’ll also be able to see your particular playing big in a much broader context of a global movement at this moment in history. Understanding how your piece of the puzzle fits into the whole can powerfully increase your clarity and motivation about what you are doing.

Part II

Inner Critic

We all grapple with self-doubt. For many individuals, this has only become more acute with the challenges of the past few years. More than ever, people need a toolkit for working with their own negative self-talk.

You know the amazing things your clients, team members, mentees or students could do, and the joys they could experience, if only they weren’t being held back by insecurity. This module is about how to help them get there.

In this module, you will learn:

  • what’s universal for both women & men when it comes to self-doubt, and what the research tells us differs depending on gender identity
  • why encouraging the people you support to become more confident and affirming their strengths are not the most effective approaches to help them overcome insecurity
  • how culture, early life experiences and various aspects of our identity impact what and how our inner critics show up
  • a set of simple, highly effective practices you can use yourself and that you can teach those you support to use when self-doubt arises, so that it no longer holds them back

You’ll also explore when and why self-doubt arises in your own professional, creative, and personal life and begin using in-the-moment practices that ensure that self-doubt doesn’t mislead you.

A core tenet of this training is that we do not need to become “more confident,” but rather, that self-doubt will always be with us, and we can develop a new kind of relationship to self-doubt that prevents it from getting in our way.

Part III

Inner Mentor

Have you ever felt unsure what to do when someone you want to support – maybe a client, a mentee, a student – seems to be totally lost in a dilemma or problem? Maybe you’ve noticed they seem entirely “in their head” about it, or caught in worry, or stuck between two choices when none of them feels right.

What if you had a go-to tool to use in these situations that would immediately help them access a wise solution to their problem – one that felt “just right” for them, one that would allow them to turn away from the world’s projections or visions of them, and instead turn toward their own deeper knowing? And what if you could use this same tool for yourself?

That’s just what the inner mentor tool does for us.

It also allows us to cast a clear vision for what we want to create with our work and our lives.

In this module, you will learn:

  • how to guide others in discovering their inner mentors, so that they can clarify their visions for the future, treat themselves with more compassion, and create a more authentic life and career.
  • how to utilize the inner mentor tool so that the people you support can become their own wise guides – and you don’t have to know all the right answers all the time! This means you don’t have to understand others’ problems well (or even at all) to help them solve them. You just have to know how to skillfully use the inner mentor coaching tools with them.
  • the common pitfalls and challenges that come with use of this tool, and strategies to navigate around them.
  • how to access and draw upon your own inner mentor as a powerful source of guidance and clarity in your own life and career. That means you can find calm with her when you feel stressed, clarity when you feel confused, and comfort when things are feeling really tough.

Unhooking from Praise and Criticism

If you are really honest with yourself, are you avoiding some important leaps forward in your work because you are worried about the criticism that might come? Or do you notice yourself feeling beholden to praise – whether rave reviews from clients or gold stars from a boss?

And what about the people you support? Would they be doing more authentic, game-changing work if they were less hooked on praise and criticism? What if you could help them unhook?

When we avoid criticism or depend on praise, we can’t innovate, share controversial ideas, or effect change.

In this module, you will learn:

  • What the research tells us about how gender impacts the kind of professional feedback women and other marginalized individuals receive
  • How to recognize the hard-to-detect ways that attachment to praise and avoidance of criticism show up in our lives and careers, so you can help others navigate beyond them
  • six factors – historical, cultural and physiological – that cause those who were socialized as women, in particular, to get hooked by praise and criticism, and how to talk about this important context with your clients
  • four transformational tools for helping yourself and those you work with become less seeking of praise and less uncomfortable with criticism, so that they can avoid internalizing others’ projections or stereotypes, live their most authentic lives, and do their most courageous work

I’m proud that the Playing Big approach to women’s relationship to praise and criticism has been recognized widely by publications ranging from goop to Harvard Business Review, and was the subject of my #1 New York Times editorial.


Callings & Fear

In this particular collective moment, many of us are experiencing new callings, the ending of prior callings, or the return of persistent callings we’ve long ignored. In our course you’ll learn about how to step into a calling – and help others do the same.

It can often feel like a difficult mystery, this work of discovering what our callings are, taking action to actualize them, and helping others do the same. But it doesn’t need to feel like a mystery. There are recognizable ways our callings show up, common objections we develop out of fear, and helpful tools for moving past resistance and taking action around even the callings that seem most impossible to bring to life.

Helping the people we support to live their callings and living our own is perhaps some of the most sacred and joyful work we can do.

In this module, you will learn:

  • the eight common ways callings often show up so that you can recognize your callings and help your clients and mentees identify their own
  • how to support someone through the process of discerning what their current callings are, and start taking simple, low-risk action to live their calling (and your own), including in challenging economic times
  • the 1000-year test we can all benefit from doing with our callings
  • how to support an individual in letting go of a calling that is coming to a close (including your own)

In this module, you’ll also learn my innovative approach for moving through fear, including:

  • the two types of fear and why we need to react differently to each
  • how to discern which type of fear is arising in your clients, mentees, or team members and how to work with them effectively around that fear
  • how to apply this model to your own present fears and learn to live with fear in a new, healthy, and even comfortable way

Hiding, Leaping & Leaving Good Student Habits Behind

Getting one more degree. Putting off an important career step because it seems like a few other steps need to happen first. Launching a big project gathering others’ voices or perspectives on an important topic.

These are just a few of the things brilliant people – particularly women and others socialized to stay small – do that look just fine from the outside, but are often hiding strategies.

What if instead of hiding in these ways, you knew how to take rapid action to move your dreams into reality, and you knew how to help other women do the same?

In this module you’ll learn:

  • eight common strategies we brilliantly use to hide, so you can pinpoint a hiding strategy when it shows up for you or someone you support
  • what we can do instead of hiding – a powerful kind of action which in the Playing Big model we call leaping – a unique and structured way of gathering feedback and making progress toward a goal
  • the six criteria that must be present for an action to truly be a Playing Big leap, so you can begin leaping in your own life & work
  • how to bring the leaping way into your work with others, so their desired results come to them more quickly
  • the shift in skills both you and those you support will need in order to make the move from performing well in school to playing big in the career world
  • the specific ways you may need to work with women who were high achievers in school, the key new skills to develop in your work with them, and the unique challenges you can expect them to face on their playing big journey

Negotiation & Communicating with Power

“I just think…” “I actually disagree…” “I’m no expert in this but,…”

These are just a few of the “little things” women do in their communication that really aren’t so little; they have a big impact in undermining how powerfully we come across.

In this module, you’ll learn:

  • the common habits women and other marginalized individuals use in their speech and writing that decrease our influence
  • how to start removing these from your own communication
  • why we use these undermining habits, and how we can better navigate the “double-bind” women and other marginalized individuals face today – the choice between appearing likable or confident
  • how to work with your clients to help them more consciously and effectively do their tightrope walk between perceived competence and likability at work
  • the differing contexts women face working in the domains of corporate life, the social sector, and entrepreneurship

In this module, we’ll also cover negotiation. All of us negotiate, in one form or another, every day. All too often, good girl norms, fears, and lack of training and practice cause us to give away our power in these conversations. Every year our graduates share negotiation success stories – revised job roles, compensation packages, divisions of labor at home – as a result of what they learned.

In this module, you’ll learn:

  • how to dramatically change your comfort and success in negotiations by changing your mindset and approach
  • why 90% of the outcome of a negotiation is determined before it starts, and the 10 key steps of preparing for a negotiation conversation
  • a roadmap for 1) preparing for and 2) moving through any conversation in which parties have differing interests and goals but must co-create a solution (including with family members, friends, colleagues, clients and more)

Let it Be Easy: Alternatives to Self-Discipline

All of us have sat with clients, team members, mentees, or loved ones who are disappointed and confused about why they’ve lost motivation toward an important goal, or betrayed themselves through procrastination or self-sabotage. Likely, at some point in your life or career, you too have relied on self-discipline to achieve something, only to find that it failed you.

In this module, you will learn the top misconceptions we have about motivation, and how to work with your clients, mentees, or team members to set up effective action plans to achieve their professional, personal, and creative goals, and how to do the same for yourself.


Playing Big Collectively

In any society that disempowers some of its members, those disempowered individuals often unconsciously come to harm one another – out of their own wounds and unmet needs. In our context, this means that often women fail to support one another – particularly in situations where power, resources, and social acceptance are at stake. In everyday terms, this translates into painful relationships or major woundings in family, friendships, and professional relationships among women, as well as among other members of marginalized groups.

Yet none of us can play big alone, and our playing big remains partial if it does not include powerfully supporting other women or others who share our identity.

In this module, we will:

  • Explore our own limitations to supporting others, and work through old woundings in this area
  • Explore how women can advocate for each other across differences in identity as well as the obstacles and biases that often prevent us from doing so
  • Look at how the legacy of patriarchy manifests in our professional relationships with one another, and how we can let go of its influence

Conclusion & Integration

In our Concluding Session, we look at the big concepts and weave major ideas from the course together. We’ll talk about how all the pieces fit together and deepen our knowledge of what coaching tools to use when. We also look forward – and I’ll support you in a process to identify your goals and priorities for the next phase of your playing big journey. We have lots of fun celebrating our journey together, too!


After the Course

After the formal close of the course, your journey doesn’t end. You’ll continue to receive a number of resources to support you:

  • A link to all the course materials saved in one easy-to-access location that is yours forever.
  • An invitation to attend future course sessions to continue your work – for free! Our alum participate again at no cost, to continue receiving support on their Playing Big journeys and to continue practicing the Playing Big coaching tools.
  • Ongoing membership in our private Facilitators Training online discussion group and global community.
  • You’ll also receive additional resources from Tara on these topics:
  • Bonus Module on Getting Your Message Out. We cover getting media attention for your work (whether you are an entrepreneur or work inside an organization), developing your public speaking, pitching to conferences, and much more.

    Bonus Module on Girls Playing Big, to help you support the girls and young women in your life. You’ll hear from experts, teachers, and leaders in girls’ empowerment who are applying the Playing Big model to working with girls K-12 and in undergraduate life.

    Bonus Module on Playing Big While Caregiving. Being a caregiver for other important people in our lives can be one of our most fulfilling roles. It can also be difficult to figure out how to combine caregiving responsibilities with playing big. In this bonus, you’ll learn a host of tools and practices to help you integrate your playing big with caregiving, to allow these two domains of life to enrich each other, and to be generative – even with limited time and energy.

Registration Closed

Playing Big Facilitators Training Now In Session

Our next session will open for registration in September 2025. In the meantime, we’d love to keep in touch and support your playing bigger!

Sign up below to receive articles and inspiration from Tara, and to be on the list to get advanced information about our next session (including early bird discounts!).

How It Works

You’re supported over time. That’s how real change happens. This is an in-depth, six month journey with twelve power-packed modules.
Virtual and flexible: with options for phone or web-based formats, so that you can participate from anywhere in a way that works with your busy schedule.
Real time, together. This isn’t one of those programs where all the material is pre-recorded. I’m live with you every week for our interactive sessions.

Our course elements include:

Readings, worksheets + interactive sessions with Q&A, exercises, spotlight coaching and practice labs for each module. You can always join us live or listen to or watch a recording.
Incredible guest interviews who inspire, offer new possibilities and share their playing big journeys and tools. They share their candid stories and most valuable lessons here.
Daily practices, reminders & sources of accountability to help you easily put new ways of working and living into action – as well as wisdom teachings and personal stories from Tara to support you along the way.

To help you connect with community, you’ll get access to:

Our online forum where you can connect with other participants, get support, and ask questions between sessions. You’ll have this network for years to come.
Our virtual meet-ups where we’ll gather online on video for additional support & connection with our worldwide community.
Lifetime access: You can come back and attend the course again in any future year, free of charge, and you have ongoing access to all our materials and sessions.

Hear From Others in Your Field

Playing Big Graduates
Hear From Coaches
On How The Playing Big Model Has Helped Them Play Bigger & Enriched Their Work
Hear from Entrepreneurs
On How The Course Has Helped Their Businesses Thrive
Hear From Participants In Academia
On How Playing Big Has Impacted Their Teaching, Scholarship, And More
Hear From Managers & Mentors
About The Impact Of The Playing Big Model On Their Work & Their Teams
Playing Big Graduates

Join Us

If you feel called to empower others for reimagined models of leadership during this remarkable historical moment…

If you crave the rejuvenation that comes with enriching your toolkit and connecting to a community of peers…

If you want to walk your own journey to playing bigger…

The Playing Big Facilitators Training Is For You.

Lifetime Access & Guarantee

When you join, you gain access to all future sessions of the Playing Big Facilitators Training, free of charge. We are here to support your journey for years to come!

Plus, if within the first month, you find the program isn’t a fit for you, simply let us know, share your completed worksheets and we’ll refund your payment.

Registration Closed

Playing Big Facilitators Training Now In Session

Our next session will open for registration in September 2025. In the meantime, we’d love to keep in touch and support your playing bigger!

Sign up below to receive articles and inspiration from Tara, and to be on the list to get advanced information about our next session (including early bird discounts!).

Hear From More Leaders About Playing Big

Rachel Naomi Remen, M.D.

In Playing Big, Tara Mohr offers you the keys to unlocking your gifts, your potential and your power to make a difference. Tara’s deep insights, her practical action steps and her real life stories will set you free.

Rachel Naomi Remen, M.D.
Author of Kitchen Table Wisdom and My Grandfather’s Blessings
Maria Shriver

Tara and I share the same philosophy: we hope inspirational ideas will ignite you to go out and make an impact in your own life. Whether she’s writing for or urging others to become a change agent through her book, Tara is practicing the Playing Big words she preaches.

Maria Shriver

“Tara Mohr’s Playing Big has changed my life. I started the course amidst a terrifying professional transition. I was welcomed and supported by Tara’s dynamic community of women from all over the world who not only affirmed that there is room for my gifts in the world, but also encouraged me to leap into my brilliance with courage and conviction. Since starting the program my salary has more than doubled, I have started my own LLC, and strategized next steps for my personal and professional success, all while learning to live with, and not be paralyzed by, my inner critic. Playing Big, both the course and the book, is filled with engaging content and effective exercises that mine women’s innermost aspirations and dreams. As a professor and public religious leader, I cannot say enough about the difference Playing Big has made in my life. Playing small is no longer an option!”

Reverend Dr. Eboni Marshall Turman
Assistant Professor of Theology and African American Religion, Yale University Divinity School
Kelly McGonigal, PH.D.

Tara Mohr offers a new model of leadership, one that acknowledges and embraces the complex realities of women’s lives. Playing Big is the perfect catalyst for any woman who wants to go outside her comfort zone, find her voice, and embrace the biggest possibilities of her life.

Kelly McGonigal, PH.D.
Author of The Willpower Instinct

Frequently Asked Questions

The Logistics

What’s the difference between this program and Tara’s Playing Big Program?
In both programs, you have the opportunity to focus on your own Playing Big goals and journey, through 12 powerful modules where you apply the playing big tools in your own life and career. Both programs include:
  • Dynamic sessions with Tara, that you can attend live or view/listen to the recording
  • Coaching demos that bring the concepts to life
  • Q&A so you can get your individual questions answered
  • Readings, audios and videos, journaling worksheets, text-based reminders and more
  • Virtual meet ups and course discussion groups for inspiration and connection
The Facilitators Training adds an additional layer of training so you can bring the Playing Big model to your work with others, with skill and ease. If you love coaching, or want to coach one day; if you lead groups for women or hope to in the future; if you mentor or manage people as a part of your job; or simply if you want your work or life to be more about the juicy-fulfilling-people-heart-stuff, the Facilitators Training provides a powerful, proven toolkit for doing all that.

In the Facilitators Training, you experience everything that is part of the core Playing Big Course, as well as:
  • 12 additional workshops that focus on bringing the Playing Big model to others. What coaching tools and approaches work best around each Playing Big topic? What pitfalls commonly come up, and how can we navigate around them?
  • Regular Lab Calls where you have the optional opportunity to practice the coaching skills in pairs—in a safe, supportive learning environment, with debrief and discussion.
  • A collection of handouts, worksheets & resources to share with others—useful materials to share with clients, mentees, workshop or group participants.
  • Tara’s special Coaching Skills 101 training, sharing her unique approach to the craft of coaching.
  • With completion of our course requirements, you can also earn 40 Continuing Education units from the International Coaching Federation and can add to your professional credentials that you’ve completed the Playing Big Facilitators Training.
What are the dates and call times for this program?
We are currently in session with the Playing Big Facilitators Training running from November 6, 2024 through April 23, 2025. Our next session will offered sometime in late 2025. Sign up below to get on the advanced notice list and you’ll be first to know when registration opens again (plus get early bird discounts!).
What is the pacing for the program? What is the structure of each module?
We spend two weeks on each module, focusing on a Playing Big tool or concept.

In Week 1, we focus on applying the Playing Big tool/concept to your own life.

In Week 2, we focus on how to apply the Playing Big tool/concept to your work with other others – clients, mentees, students, or team members you want to support. You’ll also have the opportunity to practice using the coaching tools you just learned in a safe and supportive space through our lab calls.

We conclude the course with two weeks to review and integrate the materials, celebrate milestones together, and envision what’s next for participants.

What’s the time commitment for this?
For most participants who are moving along with us module by module, it’s two and a half to three hours a week. That includes our weekly calls, reading, worksheets, supplementary curriculum materials, and time for you to participate in online discussion forums if you wish. However, we make it very easy to skip a week (or more) when you need to and pick up again with the current module – leaving you free to make up the missed material whenever you can.
What if I can’t attend the live sessions?
All of our sessions will be recorded and posted within 24 hours, available as video and audio recordings. We also provide full written transcripts. If you’re not able to attend our lab calls, you can always connect with another participant in our discussion forum and practice together at your convenience. We provide lab call materials that you can use together at any time.
I’m outside of North America. How does the course work for those of us living in other parts of the world, and in very different time zones?
So glad you asked! The first thing for you to know is, yes, we have people from all over the world participating in this online program. On average, 40% of our participants live outside the U.S., and span over twenty countries.

Many have questions about making the timing of the program work. First, if the live call times don’t work for you, that’s no problem! You can access the recordings anytime.

If you can’t attend our live lab calls or want additional practice time, you can connect with other participants in our discussion forum who are looking to practice with others.

Over the years, our participants have shared again and again in their feedback that whether they participate live or via recordings (or some combination of both), the course is absolutely transformative in moving them into their playing big and supporting their work with others.

Still have questions? Send us a message (via the chat button on the bottom right corner of your screen) and we would love to chat with you.
Will I get to work with Tara one-on-one?
The program takes place in a group format, within which each individual member will have the opportunity to share challenges, reflect on their learnings, and ask questions with individual feedback from Tara. Our weekly calls are highly interactive – Tara is live on the calls, these are not pre-recorded. If you’re not able to attend a session, you can always submit questions ahead of time and then listen to the recording.
What will the community aspect of this program be like?
One of our greatest joys as a team is being able to provide a space for connection, support and meaningful dialogue – to help people shore up through each other. We look forward to doing that through this course experience, too.

Over the years we’ve found that some course participants are very eager to connect with others as a core part of their course experience, and other participants are more focused on simply absorbing the content. We’ve structured our courses so both paths are available. There are many optional ways to engage with the community, and our online discussion group (hosted outside of mainstream social media) is a place where you can dialogue with other participants and find people in your local area, or with shared interests.

If you choose to join us for our live practice sessions and/or virtual meet-ups, you will also be meeting and working with other participants in pairs and small groups.
What is the typical age of course participants?
First of all, if you are asking yourself this question and wondering if you’ll be in a different stage of life than the group, we want you to know you aren’t alone! This question comes up a lot for people considering the program. The usual age range of the course participants is 30s through 70s, with a strong cohort in each decade. We have many participants who are mid-career and are moving into new kinds of playing big at this stage.

We also have many participants who connect with this community when they are on the verge of retirement or are thinking of pursuing a new calling in their 50s, 60s or beyond. Sometimes, these individuals know what that calling is, and sometimes they aren’t sure yet or are weighing many possible directions. You will be in good company and our private discussion group will allow you to connect with others who are at a similar stage in life to you.

Barbara, one of our alum who works with (mostly) retired women, incorporates Playing Big into her coaching and has this to say about the Playing Big model:

“The women in my Beyond The Empty Nest groups love the principles of Playing Big that I have incorporated into the programming. The new perspectives that they gain about their inner critics, their relationships with praise and criticism, and finding their true callings has helped empower them to leap into this next phase of their lives with confidence and excitement. The women who I coach are now Playing Bigger and so am I…”

     ~ Barbara Wasserman, LICSW, ACC, Midlife Transition Coach
Can I do this training if I am not a coach or leadership development professional?
Absolutely! We have many coaches in the program, but we also have participants in academia, corporate managers, mentors, health care practitioners and others. We provide a pre-recorded Coaching Skills 101 workshop as a supplemental, optional part of the program and recommend you complete this if you do not have a coaching or counseling background. The Coaching Skills 101 workshop is included with your Facilitators Training registration. Full written transcripts are also provided. This is a purely optional element but a great supplemental resource (for seasoned coaches as well!).
What’s the investment?
The cost of the program is $2699 USD when paid in full, or you can choose the 8-month payment option for $374 USD/month. As a graduate of the program, you’ll be invited to attend future Facilitators Training sessions and Playing Big sessions at no additional cost.

We also have a 12-month payment option (for $230 USD/month) if that’s a better fit for your budget. If you are interested in this payment option when registration opens, please contact our team for details (
How long do I have access to the course materials?
During the Facilitators Training, we’ll provide you with multiple ways to download and save all materials. At the conclusion of the program, we’ll provide you with a link that has all the course materials in one easy-to-access location that is yours forever, and you’ll also have access to the course site for an additional six months. As a graduate of the program, you’ll also be able to participate in future sessions at no additional cost.
Will I be “certified” through this program?
This is not a certification or a licensing program. It’s a training program that equips you to use the Playing Big tools in your work for powerful impact with those you coach, mentor, and teach. If you would like to state that you have “completed the Playing Big Facilitators Training with Tara Mohr,” at the close of the program you’ll simply:
  1. confirm that you’ve completed the curriculum for all modules
  2. successfully complete the final written assessment to demonstrate your learnings.
Then you are free – and encouraged! – to share that you’ve taken this training program.

The Playing Big Facilitators Training is also accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF). Upon completion, coaches will receive certification for 40 Continuing Coach Education (CCE) units – 21 in Core Competencies and 19 in Resource Development.

Integration With Your Current Work

I want to keep using the tools/methodology I’m currently trained in. How does Playing Big integrate with other models?
The Playing Big model offers a set of tools and concepts that you can easily integrate into your own approach to managing, mentoring, advising or coaching. For example, therapists can apply the Playing Big facilitation tools and concepts, using their own theoretical orientation lens, to help clients improve coping skills, increase self esteem, and foster greater resilience. Or as a manager, you might use the Playing Big toolkit to complement your existing one, particularly when helping team members around issues of confidence, voice, and leadership development.
Will this program give me materials for leading Playing Big classes or workshops? Am I becoming an official “Playing Big coach?”
Great question! This program does give you a variety of materials for leading workshops, or using in 1:1 coaching, consulting, or mentoring sessions.

And, when you fulfill our course completion requirements, you are encouraged to add to your professional qualifications that you’ve Completed the Playing Big Facilitators Training with Tara Mohr.

However, our grads don’t teach Playing Big branded programs. We want you to integrate the tools into what you – individually – most want to do, and use them in your own unique way.
Will I receive ICF CCE units?
CCE Logo This training is accredited by International Coach Federation (ICF) for 40 Continuing Coach Education (CCE) units – 21 in Core Competencies and 19 in Resource Development. At the close of the program, if you would like to receive certification for these CCE units, you’ll simply:
  1. confirm that you’ve attended live, or watched the recording, of all Guided Workshops and completed the worksheets that are used on the call.
  2. confirm that you’ve completed all Lab Calls. We highly recommend that you attend the live Lab Calls or, if you’re unable to attend, create your own practice time with another participant of the course. If neither of those are possible, you may use the Lab Call Agenda to practice with a current client or a person in your life who would like coaching.
  3. successfully complete the final written assessment to demonstrate your learnings.
Can these tools be used with men, too?
The Playing Big curriculum was developed primarily for and with individuals who identify as women, out of a passion for bringing women’s voices to the fore. However, we have participants of all gender identities using the model with great success in their lives and careers.
My employer sometimes sponsors professional development. Do you have something I can give them?
Yes, we have a document you can provide your employer. Click here to download the Playing Big for Professional Development Program Guide.
What are the payment options if my employer will be paying for my spot in the program?
That’s wonderful news! We have several options for companies registering an employee, or group of employees, in one of our programs:

      •   You (or someone from your company) can use a corporate credit card to register. If you need us to update the email address and/or name of the participant after the registration is processed, our team can help you do so. We can also send a PDF receipt.

      •   You can register for the program using your own credit card, and then we can issue a PDF receipt in your name, and your company can reimburse you.

      •   If there is a delay in obtaining approval from your company, we recommend that you register with your own credit card. We will refund your credit card after we receive payment for your registration via a corporate credit card.

Feel free to email us at playingbig (at) taramohr (dot) com if you have any questions. We are here to help!

I’m wondering…

How do you approach diversity and inclusion in the course? And how do you do anti-racist work through this program?
Ensuring diversity and inclusion has been a key part of our work in designing the Playing Big programs from early on. Here are some of the ways we’ve done that throughout the past several years:
  • Since the program’s inception, we regularly gather feedback on the course experience from BIPOC women and ensure that the program is impactful, relevant and inclusive. We do this both through periodic deep dive conversations and quantitative course evaluation data.
  • Integrating discussions of culture, identity and bias throughout our modules.
  • Bringing a racial equity lens/perspective into the supplementary Coaching Skills 101 training that is part of the Facilitators Training.

We also know there is a lot more that we can do – and we are committed to continuing to grow in this area. Our continued work includes advising from and consultation with our DEI consultant, continued feedback gathering from participants, and ongoing expansion of our curriculum.

Is this just for people who identify as women?
No. The Playing Big tools and model were developed largely through work with individuals who identify as women. Some parts of our content relate to the specific ways women and girls are socialized, research on women in the workplace, and the kinds of biases women are often met with.

That being said, individuals who identify as a wide range of genders have found usefulness in the tools. Many of our tools have near universal applicability. Others are resonant for those who are underrepresented in current power structures – for a wide range of reasons, including and apart from gender.

Individuals of all genders are welcomed as full participants in the course, and graduates of the program can take what they’ve learned and integrate into work with any population they desire to support.

Many of the individuals I work with already have such high expectations for themselves and are overtaxed. I often feel the same way. I’m not sure we should be putting the emphasis on playing bigger!
This program teaches an inside-out definition of playing big. Playing big isn’t about striving harder or doing more. It is about honestly accepting one’s true aspirations and callings and playing big in going for them. Because it leads to us being more aligned with our authentic selves, and more tapped into our passions, it generally creates more energy, less stress, and far less striving in our lives. It’s an alternative to perfectionistic go-go-going, a deeper path of self-actualization.
I don’t do so well with online and distance learning. Might this work for me?
It’s a great question. Here are a few things to keep in mind: The course materials are always simple to access. The course combines written materials, worksheets and exercises, live calls, and recorded audio and video learning. The variety of formats means you’ll be able to digest the material in ways that work for you.

Because Tara’s programs are highly experiential and interactive, we don’t experience the attrition or weak learning outcomes that many distance-learning programs do. The pluses of a distance-learning approach are that you’ll connect with like-minded people from all over the world and that you can learn/participate in a way that works easily with your schedule.
What is your refund policy?
If within the first 30 days of the program, you find the program isn’t working for you, and you have submitted your completed program materials and worksheets from the course to date, you may request a cancellation of your membership and receive a refund.
Honestly, I feel intimidated and nervous about signing up.
You aren’t alone. Our self-doubts tend to show up when we are embarking on something unfamiliar, especially something that matters to our hearts. Know that having that inner critic chatter away in moments like these is very common. And also know that you are coming into a very welcoming, gentle community! If our past course participants are any indicator, by the end of our first meeting, those doubts will be quieted and you will be feeling exhilarated and joyful about being in the course!
I’m just not sure.
Well, if you were my coaching client I’d ask you to:
  • Check in with your body: How does the idea of registering feel in your body — good and exciting? Good but scary/exhilarating? Those are good signs.
  • Notice what part of you is hesitant: Your inner wisdom? Listen up. Inner critic? Voice of fear? Not good voices to listen to. Question what they are saying. Especially question any voices telling you that you somehow don’t measure up to being in this group, or won’t be able to “do it right,” or that the time to do this has to be just right.
  • Explore: Is there a particular fear or worry you have? If so, write it down and examine it in the light.
  • Ask yourself: If you knew you couldn’t fail at this, and that you’d fit in beautifully with the group — what would you do?
  • Reflect: What are your intentions for the coming year? Does this feel well aligned, or not?
Registration Closed

Playing Big Facilitators Training Now In Session

Our next session will open for registration in September 2025. In the meantime, we’d love to keep in touch and support your playing bigger!

Sign up below to receive articles and inspiration from Tara, and to be on the list to get advanced information about our next session (including early bird discounts!).