There comes a time when we feel the call to play bigger.

Playing Big Graduates

And then we meet the challenges on our path.
The questions and doubts –

We face practical dilemmas too:

These challenges often leave us stuck playing small.

Yet this is the time for us to step forward in our unique expressions of playing big.

Most of us need support and a new toolkit.

It’s not the way of working or living we learned in school, and it’s not what we employed in our careers so far.

It’s something new.

That’s where the Playing Big program comes in.

Playing Big Graduates

Playing Big is a proven process, developed out of deep work with hundreds of women, using only the most effective ideas and practices that create real impact. Playing Big has now created incredible results for thousands of people around the world:

  • inspiring career changes made
  • businesses launched and thriving
  • earning power dramatically increased
  • books published
  • creativity regained
  • and most important – women are doing the work they most want to do, being who they want to be, in the world.

Here’s what just a few of them have to say:

"I went from having 1 client to 9 with a waiting list of 8 more… I took a bold step into the field I was playing very small in — and only had the courage to really do it because of Playing Big. I raised my hourly rate. I’m now comfortable in negotiations whereas before I was terrified of them! The Playing Big course has been absolutely transformational. It was vital in every way to the success I am now enjoying in my business."

Allison Bloom, Interior Designer

“Tara Mohr’s Playing Big has changed my life. I started the course amidst a terrifying professional transition. I was welcomed and supported by Tara’s dynamic community of women from all over the world who not only affirmed that there is room for my gifts in the world, but also encouraged me to leap into my brilliance with courage and conviction. Since starting the program my salary has more than doubled, I have started my own LLC, and strategized next steps for my personal and professional success, all while learning to live with, and not be paralyzed by, my inner critic. Playing small is no longer an option!”

Reverend Dr. Eboni Marshall Turman, Assistant Professor of Theology and African American Religion at Yale University Divinity School

"Playing Big has brought me clarity, strength and reintroduced me to myself. I say reintroduced me, because when I was younger I played big. But over time, as my career took shape, I went off track to a place that wasn’t true to myself. As a result of Playing Big, I feel the fog has lifted. Now I am taking action to move into a life which is genuine to myself and my callings."

Natalie Galea, Corporate Project Manager
Tara Mohr

Hi, I’m Tara.

Early in my work coaching, I started to notice something: so often, my brilliant women clients simply couldn’t see their own brilliance. They didn’t see how ready they were to go for their aspirations, to do the work they most longed to do, to bring their visions into reality.

I was quite attuned to this because I was in the same struggle myself. I’d turned my back on my longing for a creative, entrepreneurial career and settled for an office job that looked fine from the outside, but that was not what I truly felt called to do. And I had every reason to feel confident: I’d been a high achiever in my career so far, and a good student in school, yet I found myself holding back out of fear and self-doubt in my work – tentative about my ideas, quiet with my voice.

So, my own journey and my coaching practice became laboratories to discover: what tools and changes really make the biggest difference in helping people play bigger from the inside out?

I spent a long time studying and living that question. I learned there are essential stepping stones on that journey to playing bigger: the inner work of learning to manage self-doubt, find one’s own inner wisdom, navigate fear, and unhook from praise and criticism. And there’s also the practical learning – about how to communicate more powerfully, launch and test ideas more effectively, and combine meaningful work and caregiving.

These and other key elements are what I now share and support people in moving through, using the Playing Big model, which has now helped tens of thousands of individuals around the world release old, unhelpful patterns and achieve the impact they want to have. These are also the tools that have helped me personally step into fulfilling, nourishing work that I love for the past decade.

Our tools and model were developed through work with women, and with a clear mission of increasing women’s impact for good in the world. We’ve found that our work is also applicable to supporting people who identify as any gender and who are struggling to find the confidence and path to making their desired contribution.

When we feel called to playing bigger, I believe it means something wonderful and important is calling to us. But the road is also riddled with challenges – both inner and outer. The Playing Big community are all here to enable you to walk your journey to your authentic playing big so that you can experience all the joy that comes with that, and so that our world can benefit from your unique contribution.

I look forward to supporting you.


What Leading Women Have To Say About Playing Big

Elizabeth Gilbert

At last this very important book has been written, encouraging women to take up all the creative space they deserve in the world. I hope it will empower legions of women to step into their greatness. I couldn’t be happier about this publication.

Elizabeth Gilbert
Author of Big Magic and Eat, Pray, Love
Tara Brach, PH.D.

With clarity, warmth and deep wisdom, Tara shines a light on our blocks to manifesting our potential, and offers practical, well-honed strategies that move us toward fulfillment. This is a book that can transform the trajectory of your life.

Tara Brach, PH.D.
Author of Radical Acceptance and True Refuge
Trudy Bourgeois

Tara is a brilliant Playing Big guide. She challenges women using courage and compassion to stop playing small and take a leap to achieve the breakthrough that they know is possible but don’t know how to make it happen. Tara has a game changing approach.

Trudy Bourgeois
President & CEO The Center for Workforce Excellence

About Tara Mohr

Tara Sophia Mohr

I bring to this program

  • Fifteen years of experience helping people empower themselves and achieve their dreams. I’ve coached thousands of women to start shining brightly and doing their unique work in the world, boldly.
  • With me, you get a very unique hybrid. You get the practical, grounded in the ‘real world’ side: I received my MBA from Stanford University, and have extensive training in leadership, negotiation, communication, entrepreneurship, and business. I have also been growing a thriving business – with a wonderful team – for the past several years.
  • You also get the psychological and spiritual side. I am a spiritual seeker, certified coach, poet, and a woman with an understanding of the inner transformation needed for playing big.
  • And then there’s my personal journey. I’ve walked my own personal journey from playing small to playing bigger. Of course, I’m still growing, but I’m happy to say I’ve left what felt like a compromise career and created a life that feels deeply aligned with who I really am, my greatest loves, and the legacy I hope to leave. I also walk the daily integration of caring for myself, doing the work I feel called to do – and caring for others, both young children and elders.
Tara Mohr

Some more things about my background: I’m the author of Playing Big: Practical Wisdom for Women Who Want to Speak Up, Create, and Lead, published by Penguin, and named a Best Book of the Year by Apple’s iBooks.

I’m also creator and teacher of the acclaimed Playing Big leadership program for women, and Playing Big Facilitators Training for coaches, mentors and managers who support women in their personal and professional growth.

The Playing Big model has been featured on The Today Show and in publications ranging from The New York Times to goop to Harvard Business Review. I also love to share this work live with audiences, and have been a speaker at venues and companies including Watermark, TedxWomen, Emerging Women Live, Yelp and Intuit. The Playing Big model has been part of leadership development programs at Starbucks, Google, Aetna, Intuit, Bank of America, and many other companies, and also incorporated into middle and high schools around the world, supporting girls’ leadership development.

I earned my MBA from Stanford University and my undergraduate degree in English literature from Yale. My coaching training and certification is from CTI, the Co-Active Training Institute. All of those educational experiences, combined with a lifelong love of personal growth work, inform the Playing Big approach.

I’m a mom of three little people, doing my best to wear many hats each day – writer, coach, spiritual seeker, parent, partner, daughter. I live in San Francisco and I love long hilly walks, dance classes, superb coffee, and wearing cozy sweaters in the fog.


The 4 Part Playing Big Process

Part 1

Define & Clarify Your Playing Big

Discern what playing big looks like for you right now & discover your unique set of “core nutrients” – your required ingredients for peak satisfaction in your work and life.

Part 2

Inner Work for Playing Big

Transforming ourselves so that we can step into playing bigger including Quieting the Inner Critic, Navigating Fear, Unhooking from Praise and Criticism, and more.

Part 3

Practical Skills Training for Playing Big

Learning and practicing new ways of taking action including Communicating with Power, How to Test and Launch New Ideas, How to Navigate Negotiations, and more.

Part 4

Ongoing Support As You Move Forward

After the course, you’ll have complimentary access to future Playing Big sessions and our community network. As your playing big evolves, we’ll be there to support you over the long term.

Playing Big Is For You If:

  • You want to expand the impact you are making through your work.
  • You feel a calling or longing to play bigger, but you feel afraid or unsure about the next right steps.
  • You want to feel less burdened by fear and self-doubt​.
  • You want to make a greater positive difference in the world but feel held back in some way.
  • You sense that being part of a supportive community of like-minded women would help you play bigger.
  • You suspect it would be a whole lot more fun and a whole lot more fulfilling to play big. (YOU ARE RIGHT.)


“From day one of the Playing Big course, I felt things begin to shift within me like I haven’t experienced before. It was the most transformative process I’ve ever engaged in.”

Ariane Hunter, Photographer & Blogger

“I now have a vision that propels me forward every day. I know that my voice is needed and that I have a duty to play big in this life, to heal the world in the way I know best, no matter what my inner critic voices are telling me.”

Amanda Vella, Yoga Teacher and Writer

“I’m EXTREMELY satisfied with what I got from this course! It is a collection of absolutely essential and brilliant tools that will be useful throughout my professional and personal life. THANK YOU for all the brilliance, work, thoughtfulness, knowledge, experience, connections, and (very importantly!) the love and passion that you put into this course!”

Beth Molnar, Associate Professor, Northeastern University & President, Board of Directors, Boston Area Rape Crisis Center

Results: After Playing Big, you can expect to

  • Take bolder action and reach more people with your work
  • Feel more confident in everything you do
  • Increase your earning power
  • Stop feeling too young, too old, or not expert enough to do what you want to do
  • Access your own inner wisdom quickly and reliably
  • Express your own voice and put your unique contribution out into the world
  • Feel less dependent on the approval of others — at work AND in your personal life
  • Deal with the criticism that comes with doing important or innovative work
  • Know how to sustain long-term action toward your goals
  • Be comfortable with difficult conversations and have a sound and reliable approach for negotiating
  • Stop undermining yourself with your own words, and have more influence and impact when you speak
  • Understand how to wisely respond to the fear that arises as we play bigger
  • Have a remarkable circle of colleagues and collaborators around the globe who will buoy you up time & time again

The Playing Big Curriculum

Part I

Your Foundation for Playing Big

Module 1

Introduction & What is Playing Big

In this module, we talk about how to redefine playing big from the inside out. You’ll have a new sense of what playing big means to you (not what it means to your friends, family, coworkers and so on) – a vision for playing big that doesn’t feel stressful, or like it leaves you in a tug of war between your aspirations and your responsibilities. This is a true playing big that works with your whole life.

You’ll also be able to see your particular playing big in a much broader context of a global movement at this moment in history. Understanding how your piece of the puzzle fits into the whole can powerfully increase your clarity and motivation about what you are doing.

Module 2

Quieting The Inner Critic

Imagine for a moment what you’d be doing if that voice of “I’m not ready yet,” or “I need to get another degree before I can do that,” or “I don’t really know what I’m talking about here,” or “I can do that after I lose five pounds” wasn’t present any more? Imagine what we would be doing if we all were able to quiet our inner critics?

I am passionate about women around the world getting an Inner Critic 101 training so that self-doubt is no longer such a strong force in our lives.

Through our Inner Critic module, you’ll come to understand the root cause of your inner critic (it’s not what you think!), gain awareness of the sneaky ways it’s present, and learn why the answer to it is not having more confidence. Most important, you’ll learn exactly what to do in the moment when self-doubt arises, to ensure that it doesn’t hold you back.

Module 3

Discovering Your Inner Mentor

We’ve all had those moments when, in a difficult situation, we simply knew, with every fiber of our being, what the right course of action was. What if you could access that kind of clarity more reliably?

This module gives us a powerful tool to consistently access the most authentic, wise, and calm part of ourselves: our inner mentors. You can consult her on professional matters (how would your inner mentor handle this client pitch?) and personal ones (how would she approach this difficult conversation with a friend?)

If you’ve already met your inner mentor through the Playing Big book exercise, your focus in this module will be on developing a stronger relationship with her and getting support around taking practical steps to become her more in your day-to-day life.

Part II

Slaying the Dragons That Keep Us Stuck

Module 4

Getting Wise About Fear

With our powerful model for working with fear, you’ll be able to differentiate between the two kinds of fear that arise when we start playing bigger – knowing which kind of fear to welcome and utilize, and which kind to skillfully steer away from (and how to do that).

You’ll be able to take the stretch steps that scare you – whether it’s making that career change or publishing that piece of writing or starting the new line of business at your company. And instead of just knowing that there are some fears holding you back, you’ll understand what they are, how they function physiologically, and how to move past them toward your most important aspirations.

Module 5

Unhooking From Praise And Criticism

When we are crushed by criticism or dependent on praise, it’s almost impossible for us to innovate, share controversial ideas, or effect change. I’m proud that the Playing Big approach to changing women’s relationship to praise and criticism has been recognized widely by publications ranging from goop to Harvard Business Review to The New York Times. In this module, you’ll learn:

  • how attachment to praise and avoidance of criticism is showing up in your life right now
  • six factors – historical, cultural and physiological – that cause those who were socialized as women, in particular, to get hooked by praise and criticism
  • what the research tell us about how gender impacts the kind of professional feedback women and other marginalized individuals receive receive
  • a set of practical tools you can use day to day, so that you can incorporate feedback strategically – but not go on an emotional roller coaster with it.

This is the end of being seriously wounded by tough feedback and the end of avoiding situations that might bring it.

Part III

Taking Practical Action in a Whole New Way

Module 6

Discerning & Pursuing Our Callings

In this particular collective moment, many of us are experiencing new callings, the ending of prior callings, or the return of persistent callings we’ve long ignored. This is one of my favorite modules to teach, because we have so many misunderstandings around the concept of callings. And yet, with some simple ideas and tools, we can start experiencing the huge joy and fulfillment that our true callings bring us.

If you aren’t sure what your callings are, this module will give you a very specific way to figure that out, with coaching from me to help if you get stuck. If you feel like you already know what your current callings are, this module will provide you with tools to fulfill them in even more satisfying and bold ways.

Module 7

The End Of Hiding

Getting one more degree. Putting off an important career step because it seems like a few other steps need to happen first. Launching a big project gathering others’ voices or perspectives on an important topic.

These are just a few of the things brilliant people – particularly women and others socialized to stay small – do that look just fine from the outside, but are often hiding strategies. What if instead of hiding in these ways, you knew how to take rapid action to move your dreams into reality?

In this module, you’ll discover some of the unconscious ways you are hiding and understand how to start stepping forward instead including:

Leaping: Developing & Testing New Ideas

Most women I know hold some false assumptions like these: that the more they prepare for something important, the better that something will go. That the more polished their work is, the more favorably it will be received. The thing is, many of these assumptions are misleading, and are connected to how women and girls are conditioned to act – in ways that don’t serve us.

In this module, we’ll take a rigorous look at our default good-girl, good-student ways of working and discover a bolder, quicker, more experimental way of working called leaping. Leaping gets us playing much bigger right away.

Module 8

Navigating Negotiations And Difficult Conversations

Do you dread negotiation conversations, feel like you aren’t a great negotiator, or simply know you could be a much better one?

In this module, I share a powerful framework that can help you love and thrive in negotiations and difficult conversations. (It really is possible.) A negotiation is not just the kind of conversation that happens once a year over your salary, or your rent. In Playing Big, we explore negotiations as any conversation in which the parties have differing goals and interests. Negotiation is a skill we all need for our careers – and lives – every day, but because of stereotypes and cultural norms, negotiating is tricky territory for women. You’ll learn a positive, collaborative, step-by-step framework for negotiations and have the opportunity to apply it to an important situation in your life, with coaching and support from me and from our guest expert on women & negotiation. Every year our graduates share negotiation success stories – revised job roles, compensation packages, divisions of labor at home – as a result of what they learned.

Module 9

Communicating With Power

In this module, you’ll learn how you can come across as more competent, compelling and confident in your written and spoken communications. You’ll learn about important new research on gender and communication in the workplace, and what it means for you. We cover what speech and writing habits to let go of, and what new language you can use instead. I’ll also support you in a day-by-day habit change process, so that your communication is truly more powerful by the time this module comes to a close.

Part IV

Moving Forward

Module 10

Let It Be Easy

We’ve all been there: we tried to accomplish something simply out of willpower and self-discipline, failed to do so, and then ended up disappointed in ourselves.

This module is about alternatives to self-discipline. I’ll take you through setting up a “success architecture” of supports and routines that allows you to achieve any goal in a sustainable, kind-to-yourself-way.

Module 11

Playing Big Collectively

In any society that disempowers some of its members, those disempowered individuals often unconsciously come to harm one another – out of their own wounds and unmet needs. In our context, this means that often women fail to support one another – particularly in situations where power, resources, and social acceptance are at stake. In everyday terms, this translates into painful relationships or major woundings in family, friendships, and professional relationships among women, as well as among other members of marginalized groups.

Yet none of us can play big alone, and our playing big remains partial if it does not include powerfully supporting other women or others who share our identity.

In this module, we will explore our own limitations to supporting others, and work through old woundings in this area. We’ll also explore how women can advocate for each other across differences in identity as well as the obstacles and biases that often prevent us from doing so. We’ll look at how the legacy of patriarchy manifests in our professional relationships with one another, and how we can let go of its influence.

Module 12

Concluding Session

In our Concluding Session, we look at the big concepts and weave major ideas from the course together. We also look forward – and I’ll support you in a process to identify your goals and priorities for the next phase of your playing big journey. We also have lots of fun celebrating our journey together!

After we finish, you get access to great bonus content on Getting Your Message Out, Playing Big While Caregiving, and Girls’ Playing Big.


After the formal close of the course, your journey doesn’t end. You’ll continue to receive a number of resources to support you:

  • A link to all the course materials saved in one easy-to-access location that is yours forever.
  • An invitation to attend future course sessions to continue your work – for free! Our alum participate again at no cost, to continue receiving support on their Playing Big journeys and to continue practicing the Playing Big tools.
  • Ongoing membership in our private Playing Big online discussion group and global community.
  • You’ll also receive additional resources from Tara on these topics:
Bonus #1:

Girls’ Playing Big

Although the Playing Big model was created out of my work coaching women, over the past several years many women have begun applying the tools and concepts with the girls they parent, mentor, and teach. In this bonus session, you’ll hear from some of the teachers, school administrators, girls’ advocates who will share what’s working most powerfully in using the playing big tools to support girls’ empowerment and wellbeing.

Bonus #2:

Visibility, Media & Getting Your Message Out

For many of us, a key part of playing bigger is sharing one’s ideas and voice in the media. For entrepreneurs, media exposure is great for business-building. For individuals working inside organizations, it’s a path to establishing personal brand, broadening one’s network, and planting the seeds for future career opportunities. For academics, it’s a way of increasing the reach of one’s work. For all of us, it’s a way of standing behind what we believe and making a larger impact. In this bonus session, we hear from media professionals including magazine editors, PR experts, and leaders in the publishing field to talk getting more exposure for your work.

Bonus #3:

Playing Big While Caregiving

Being a caregiver for other important people in our lives can be one of our most fulfilling roles. It can also be difficult to figure out how to combine caregiving responsibilities with playing big. In this bonus session, you’ll learn a host of tools and practices to help you integrate your playing big with caregiving, to allow these two domains of life to enrich each other, and to be generative – even with limited time and energy.

How It Works

You’re supported over time. That’s how real change happens. This is an in-depth, six-month journey with 12 power-packed modules.
Virtual and flexible: with options for phone or web-based formats, so that you can participate from anywhere in a way that works with your busy schedule.
Real time, together. This isn’t one of those programs where all the material is pre-recorded. I’m live with you for our interactive sessions.

Our course elements include:

Readings, worksheets + interactive sessions with Q&A, exercises, spotlight coaching and discussion for each module. You can always join us live or listen to or watch a recording.
Incredible guest interviews with women who inspire, offer new possibilities and share their playing big journeys and tools. They share their candid stories and most valuable lessons here.
Daily practices, reminders & sources of accountability to help you easily put new ways of working and living into action – as well as wisdom teachings and personal stories from Tara to support you along the way.

To help you connect with community, you’ll get access to:

Our online forum where you can connect with other participants, get support, and ask questions between sessions. You’ll have this network for years to come.
Our virtual meet-ups where we’ll gather online on video for additional support & connection with our worldwide community
Optional small groups: after the course ends, you’ll also have the opportunity to participate in small groups that meet regularly for accountability, ongoing support, and connection.

Hear from Graduates in Your Industry

Playing Big Graduates
Hear from Graduates Starting & Growing Their Own Businesses

“The tools that I learned in this training have transformed my coaching – thank you so much! I have gained certainty and feel more secure about my abilities to coach women on these recurring issues. I have also applied the concepts and strategies in my own life. Thank you Tara and team! I felt loved and cared for.”

Angela Grosvenor, Coach

“I sought out the Playing Big training for my own professional development and quickly realized that the tools would benefit my clients, too. The Playing Big tools and ideas have become an important resource that I use to help unsure leaders activate their visions and implement bold new projects and initiatives.”

Rochelle Williams, Founder and Principal Consultant, Gather

“Playing Big was truly a life changing experience for me! From the first module on understanding our callings, to the inner mentor and inner critic work, this course has given me huge amounts of insight into myself and how I had seen my work.”

Heather Carey, MS Culinary Nutritionist

“Tara’s work is life-changing. Through Playing Big, she has taught me incredibly valuable skills and techniques that continue to help me move my business forward in a way that resonates with my true self.”

Lisa Wood, Intuitive Designer and Business Coach, Founder of Sprout New Media

“Prior to the course, I didn’t have a structure or tested framework in my work with women. Now, internally, I feel more grounded in my work. I have incredible tools I can lean into now to help the clients I work with. I feel far less attached to the work I put out in the world, and I trust in the way forward.

As a career advisor to university students, I’m introducing these concepts in our consultation meetings and really helping the next generation of leaders get clarity on their unknown narratives and decide how to re-write them.”

Gloria Eid, Career Coach

“Playing Big came into my life at the perfect moment. It made me evaluate what work I really wanted to pursue, and gave me the tools to go after my dream.”

Mary Gassen, Food Business Consultant

“Playing Big was an enormous support and source of energy for me as I transitioned from a 9-year career in management consulting to starting a women’s apparel company. I feel more confident and fulfilled in my career, and passion vs. fear is a key motivator. Even better, when doubts and fears do try to take control, I have a large toolkit I can use to address those feelings and reinforce what is positive, real, and important in my life. Tara’s class is effective and inspirational, and I am so grateful for it!”

Aliza Marks, Founder/CEO Caro & Vitale

“Playing Big is a game changer. It exceeded my expectations in every way. Clear, well-designed modules that manage to be elegantly simple, yet profound. The program has helped me to gain clearer and clearer vision about my own work, and also provided the framework to push myself out of my comfort zone – without fear.”

Sarah Neville, Director, Open Line Communications
Hear from Graduates with Careers in Academia

“Tara Mohr’s Playing Big has changed my life. I started the course amidst a terrifying professional transition. I was welcomed and supported by Tara’s dynamic community of women from all over the world who not only affirmed that there is room for my gifts in the world, but also encouraged me to leap into my brilliance with courage and conviction. Since starting the program my salary has more than doubled, I have started my own LLC, and strategized next steps for my personal and professional success, all while learning to live with, and not be paralyzed by, my inner critic. Playing Big, both the course and the book, is filled with engaging content and effective exercises that mine women’s innermost aspirations and dreams. As a professor and public religious leader, I cannot say enough about the difference Playing Big has made in my life. Playing small is no longer an option!”

Reverend Dr. Eboni Marshall Turman, Assistant Professor of Theology and African American Religion at Yale University Divinity School

“Playing Big offers great benefit for academics, helping us better tap into our creativity, vision, and power. I am a faculty member at a women’s college; the mission of my work is to support women playing bigger. As a psychology researcher, I value empirically-supported strategies. As a health scholar, I aim to improve community well-being. As a mentor, I know that the most sustainable approach to developing leadership capacity is to acknowledge people in their messy, glorious complexity – including mind, body, heart. I only wish I knew about the Playing Big program earlier, as it profoundly supports each of these values. Tara delivers substantive, practical content – manageable even for those people with busy, full lives – that will stay with you long after the formal program is over.”

Benita Jackson, PhD MPH, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Smith College

“This course helped me to dig deep and learn to listen to my calling and help me make some key decisions about my career path. I feel confident that I am making decisions that are right for me using the tools I learned in the course. What a great experience. Thank you!!!”

Theresa E. Bartolotta, Ph.D., Dean, School of Health Sciences at Stockton University

“I am so much more able to recognize the inner critic and gently shut her down when she pipes up. I no longer feel mad at myself for having an inner critic (my inner critic was so strong that she would criticize me for listening to her!). Thank you so much for helping me manage my habit of being unnecessarily hard on myself, which has been going on for most of my life!”

Naomi Bardach, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Health Policy, UCSF School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics and Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies

“I’ve experienced significant changes because of this program. I am able to put my learning, qualifications, and skills to best use because I communicate more clearly. I find that others are more clear about my role and contributions, which means they know when to come to me for input and when the request should go elsewhere. My profile is also growing in the industry, which is positive for the organization I work for. I manage my time better because I understand my role and worth, so delegate tasks more easily when appropriate. I also communicate more confidently with senior managers and with the people who report to me. I am generally more professional, happier, and putting energy into areas that align with the organization’s mission, as well as my own values.”

Joelle Adams, Adjunct Professor
Hear from Graduates in Corporate Careers

“The lessons in the Playing Big course gave me the courage to get specific about what I was looking for at work. As a result, I was asked to lead one of the most visible programs of the year. We were on a crazy short timeline to execute and I was NOT the subject matter expert. Two years ago, not being an expert would have caused me to play small and back away from the opportunity. Instead, I buckled down and humbly led the team to a successful launch. Because of my work in the Playing Big course, I was able to quiet my self-doubt and step into a role that I wouldn’t have otherwise accepted. It was an amazing opportunity. I am ready to explore what is next.”

Michelle Schneider, Senior Consultant, Dell, Business Transformation

“This is an amazing course! It helped me figure out what my ‘playing bigger’ looks like and how it could be different as life evolves. The course is a nice balance of practical tools, self-reflection and guidance from Tara and resonant stories from others. I thought it was fabulous that I could do this with my own time and without judgment. Overall, I would highly recommend this (and have been) to other women who desire to make a bigger difference in their lives in an authentic way.”

Zeryn Sarpangal, Vice President of Human Resources & Corporate Affairs at Achaogen, Inc.

“I have been talking about the course ever since I signed up. I have truly learned some great lessons, I have shaken off some of the nonsense that was holding me back, and I’m REALLY ready to go after it and continue my journey. I want to say thank you to you, Tara, and your team for a great program, the professionalism involved, your approachability and the course. I am glad I gave myself this gift!”

Erin O’Malley, Corporate Trainer

“After attending the Playing Big course, I am much better at communicating from a place of strength. I realize I was undermining myself with my choice of words. I mentor several colleagues. So often now, concepts we discussed in Playing Big jump out when I’m coaching these ladies. I’m glad I can share some ideas to help them play bigger in their careers. I feel much better about my abilities and contribution in the world. I’m sure this confidence is evident to others. But most of all, I am happier about what I am doing.”

Meg Mosley, Finance Executive

“Playing Big was truly transformational for me. Tara has a beautiful way to transport you into your own inner wisdom and somehow help you find yourself and your path. I notice a difference in my mindset and approach to my life’s work, both in personal and professional areas. Playing Big is no longer a daunting task for me, it’s something that is a part of me. Thank you, Tara.”

Pooja Solanki, Director of Strategy

“I started Playing Big at the same time I moved into a corporate senior management role–a huge leap from the isolated desk research role that I had been in. I turn to the lessons when I find a new struggle that I can’t resolve and the content leads me to look at situations in new ways, opening new solutions and opportunities. Playing Big has increased my confidence and effectiveness, while lowering my stress and worry. Perfectly delivered to help me grow into the leader that I have been asked to be.”

Yvonne, Director, Retail Company
Hear from Graduates in the Arts

“Playing Big ignited a new sense of purpose in my work. Lots of new ideas, and forward momentum. I got such beautiful support and practical expertise from other women taking the course. Tara Mohr is a gifted coach; meaning she studies, practices and thinks deeply about what she is doing, giving personal thought and attention to participants. The course is well structured, and tools are multi-sided, applicable and memorable.”

Laura Carmichael, Classical Clarinetist, Creativity Coach and Faculty, THNK School for Creative Leadership

“Tara, the Playing Big program coupled with your wisdom, and the authentic sharing of the other women on the calls was essential for me to move forward in my life. Creativity through my art, dreams of traveling, health, parenting…. I felt connected on various levels. With gratitude!”

Louisa Moutos, Fine Artist

“Playing Big and Tara’s generous wisdom has had a PROFOUND impact on my life…in ways that stretch beyond imagination. Being part of this course has helped me see myself in a bigger and broader light and given me the confidence, support and tools to grow my business, playfully explore my vision and gracefully take my place in this world to uplift humanity.”

Kirthi Nath, Creative Director and Lead Filmmaker at Cinemagical Media

“Playing Big was the best gift I could have given myself. I was at a career crossroads, feeling overwhelmed and powerless in my career as an actor and new writer. Tara’s program re-introduced me to the authentic ‘me’… it mined and defined my unique strengths and calling to where I am finally comfortable in my own skin, empowered by the journey I’ve already been on and in charge of the road ahead.”

Taryn O’Neill, Actor, Writer, and Co-Founder of Scirens

“I am basking in the glow of Playing Big. Last weekend was the first of my two Open Studio events in. This is the third year that I have shown my encaustic paintings and prints to the world, yet I felt a change in me and how I presented and stood by my work. I spoke strongly and confidently about what I did, why and how (gave a demo!). I held nothing back and spoke my truth. The Universe responded with the most generous conversations, people and surprises. Connections were formed, paintings were sold! And I gained a greater understand of self.”

Francesca Saveri, Artist
Hear from Graduates with Careers in the Nonprofit & Social Sector

“I have always carried a confident outer executive presence that filled the room and boxed out the shrinking, space-saving girl within. Through this course, I learned to embrace the fact that taking up space is my magnificent birthright. I more fully and beautifully show up, speak up and act up in the wide open overlap between inner confidence and outer approval. This program is life changing.”

Bernadette Merikle, Regional Director, Partnerships, Equal Opportunity Schools

“I started the Playing Big course as I considered leaving a long tenure to a leadership position. Playing Big allowed me to make a major leap in my career. I recently stepped into a CEO/President role with confidence and character and made a major leap that I had only dreamed of twelve months prior.”

Kelly Tweeddale, President, Vancouver Symphony and VSO School of Music

“I have gained so much more out of Playing Big than I ever expected. I came in hoping that Playing Big would help me tap into my calling and provide some motivation and tools to pursue it. I did not expect the transformational power of this series. Tara’s tools and exercises get at the heart of playing bigger in a way that is sustainable and that I can keep going back to. I feel that I own my voice more confidently, that I’ve accessed the wisest part of myself, and that I’m showing up more authentically throughout my life. I have strongly recommended this course to all of my friends.”

Betty Chen, Director of Family Engagement at Summit Public Schools

“The Playing Big course gave substance and insight to limitations and obstacles I had been facing in my work life but had not yet been able to name or articulate. Tara’s combination of theory, poetry, emotion, and raw data put these issues into vivid detail, and the structure of the course challenged me to apply these insights immediately, rather than for my ‘future self.’ The community of women involved in this course was also a huge source of encouragement and new ideas. Thank you!”

Jennifer, International Development Consultant

“Every module helped me see something playing out inside of me and helped me interrupt the mindsets and voices that were holding me back. I came at a major work transition with much less fear. I feel ready for a transition in ways I never thought possible.”

Katherine Kennedy, Nonprofit Leader
Playing Big Graduates

Our Bigger Mission

Tara Mohr

Brilliant, compassionate individuals holding back, underestimating themselves and not trusting their voices — this has to end.

It has to end because the world needs our contributions, our ideas, our wisdom.

When I take a look at the headlines, or watch a few minutes of the news, I’m struck by how the people in charge in our world don’t have the emotional intelligence, the wisdom, or the ethical integrity to use the power they have for good.

I want visionary, compassionate, wise people leading and holding power — because they are going to bring our world into balance and sanity. That’s why I do this work.

Lifetime Access & Guarantee

When you join, you gain access to all future sessions of the Playing Big Program, free of charge. We are here to support your journey for years to come!

Plus, if within the first month, you find the program isn’t a fit for you, simply let us know, share your completed worksheets and we’ll refund your payment.

Registration Closed

Playing Big Program Now In Session

Our next session of the Playing Big Program will open for registration in late 2025. Sign up below to receive articles and inspiration from Tara, and to be on the list to get advanced information about our next session (including early bird discounts!).

Frequently Asked Questions

The Logistics

What are the dates and call times for this program?
We are currently in session with the Playing Big Program running from October 30, 2024 through April 16, 2025. Our next session will offered sometime in late 2025. Sign up below to get on the advanced notice list and you’ll be first to know when registration opens again (plus get early bird discounts!).  
How much time is required each week?
The time you invest in the Playing Big Program can flex with your schedule from week to week, but on average, you can expect to spend about 2 hours per week on the course (including time for the module call every other week). It’s also important to note that there is no such thing as “falling behind” in this course. The program is designed so that you can jump into any module whether you’ve done the previous ones or not, and the material is designed so you may start when/where you can and enjoy each module fully. You have lifetime access to the materials and as a graduate, you’ll be invited to participate in future sessions at no additional cost.
Can I get recordings if I can’t attend the course calls live?
Yes! The program is designed to work whether you can attend live or not, and call recordings will always be posted right away. You’ll still get to participate fully in the program and can always ask your questions or participate in discussion via the online forum.
I’m outside of North America. How does the course work for those of us living in other parts of the world, and in very different time zones?
So glad you asked! The first thing for you to know is, yes, we have people from all over the world participating in this online program. On average, 40% of our participants live outside the U.S., and span over fifty countries.

Many have questions about making the timing of the program work. First, if the live call times don’t work for you, that’s no problem! You can access a video, audio, or written recording shortly afterward. There are lots of ways to connect with other participants in the course and to get your questions answered.

Over the years, our graduates have shared again and again in their feedback that whether they participate live or via recordings (or some combination of both), the course is absolutely transformative in moving them into their playing big.

Still have questions? Send us a message (via the chat button on the bottom right corner of your screen) and we would love to chat with you.
What’s the investment?
You can pay monthly over six months with an investment of $164 USD per month, or you can pay for the full program ($874 USD) up front and save $110 USD. As a graduate of the program, you’ll be invited to attend future sessions at no additional cost.

We also have a 12-month payment option (for $80 USD/month) if that’s a better fit for your budget. If you are interested in this payment option when registration opens, please contact our team for details (
How long do I have access to the course materials?
During the Playing Big course, we’ll provide you with multiple ways to download and save all materials. At the conclusion of the program, we’ll provide you with a link that has all the course materials in one easy-to-access location that is yours forever, and you’ll also have access to the course site for an additional six months. As a graduate of the program, you’ll also be able to participate in future sessions at no additional cost.
I’m having technical trouble signing up.
No problem. We can help. Message us through the chat button in the lower righthand corner of your screen, or email playingbig (at) taramohr (dot) com and we’ll get you all set up.
What will the community aspect of this program be like?
One of our greatest joys as a team is being able to provide a space for connection, support and meaningful dialogue – to help people shore up through each other. We look forward to doing that through this course experience, too.

Over the years we’ve found that some course participants are very eager to connect with others as a core part of their course experience, and other participants are more focused on simply absorbing the content. We’ve structured our courses so both paths are available. There are many optional ways to engage with the community, and our online discussion group (hosted outside of mainstream social media) is a place where you can dialogue with other participants and find people in your local area, or with shared interests.

If you choose to join us for our optional virtual meet-ups, you will also be meeting and connecting with other participants in small groups.
What is the typical age of course participants?
First of all, if you are asking yourself this question and wondering if you’ll be in a different stage of life than the group, we want you to know you aren’t alone! This question comes up a lot for people considering the program. The usual age range of the course participants is 30s through 70s, with a strong cohort in each decade. We have many participants who are mid-career and are moving into new kinds of playing big at this stage.

We also have many participants who connect with this community when they are on the verge of retirement or are thinking of pursuing a new calling in their 50s, 60s or beyond. Sometimes, these individuals know what that calling is, and sometimes they aren’t sure yet or are weighing many possible directions. You will be in good company and our private discussion group will allow you to connect with others who are at a similar stage in life to you.

Barbara, one of our alum who works with (mostly) retired women, incorporates Playing Big into her coaching and has this to say about the Playing Big model:

“The women in my Beyond The Empty Nest groups love the principles of Playing Big that I have incorporated into the programming. The new perspectives that they gain about their inner critics, their relationships with praise and criticism and finding their true callings has helped empower them to leap into this next phase of their lives with confidence and excitement. The women who I coach are now Playing Bigger and so am I…”

     ~ Barbara Wasserman, LICSW, ACC, Midlife Transition Coach
How is the Playing Big course different from the Playing Big book?
The book is in no way a replacement for the course – in fact, nearly all of our students come to the course after reading the book. They want more support and accountability applying the Playing Big work in their life, plus getting new and additional content that’s not in the book.

In the course, we cover the concepts and material in an interactive context, with these added benefits:
  • • A well-paced curriculum that keeps you from rushing through the material or only digesting it mentally. Instead, you have the support and time to put new ways of working and living into action in your life.
  • • Dynamic class sessions where Tara teaches about the concepts in her own words, answers questions, and coaches participants.
  • • A structured time to do the writing and other exercises in the Playing Big process so you know you’ll get them done​,​ with ​the additional ​support and time to debrief and unpack what comes up for you.
  • • Reminders and inspiration from Tara along the way (delivered by text​ message​ and/or email, your choice) to ensure that you put the new habits into place, even when life gets hectic.
  • • Community – the opportunity to connect with and be supported by a global community of women playing bigger.
  • • Lots of supplementary resources, plus new material and Tara’s latest thinking ​since the book’s publication.
I’ve seen Tara also has a Playing Big Facilitators Training. How is this course different from that?
The Playing Big Facilitators Training is for coaches, managers, mentors, and educators who want in-depth training in how to use the Playing Big tools to support others – our focus is on doing this work with other individuals.

We are also offering the Facilitators Training this fall. To learn more about that program and assess if it is a fit for you, visit here.

Some students begin with Playing Big, and then move on to our Facilitators Training in a future year. Your Playing Big tuition can always be applied toward the cost of a future session of the Facilitators Training.

Organizations & Employer Sponsorship

My employer sometimes sponsors professional development. Do you have something I can give them?
Yes, we have a document you can provide your employer. Click here to download the Playing Big for Professional Development Program Guide.
What are the payment options if my employer will be paying for my spot in the program?
That’s wonderful news! We have several options for companies registering an employee, or group of employees, in one of our programs:

      •   You (or someone from your company) can use a corporate credit card to register. If you need us to update the email address and/or name of the participant after the registration is processed, our team can help you do so. We can also send a PDF receipt.

      •   You can register for the program using your own credit card, and then we can issue a PDF receipt in your name, and your company can reimburse you.

      •   If there is a delay in obtaining approval from your company, we recommend that you register with your own credit card. We will refund your credit card after we receive payment for your registration via a corporate credit card.

Feel free to email us at playingbig (at) taramohr (dot) com if you have any questions. We are here to help!
I work inside an organization or company. Is playing big mostly for entrepreneurs?
Not at all! One of the amazing things about this program is the mix of entrepreneurs and individuals working inside organizations. In fact, in our recent session, we were an almost even mix – 49% entrepreneurs, 51% people working inside organizations!

The topics we cover in playing big – from quieting your inner critic, to learning how to communicate and negotiate more powerfully, to “unhooking” from criticism and praise – are transformational for participants across all kinds of careers. Here’s what some graduates who took the program when working for organizations had to say:

I started Playing Big at the same time I moved into a corporate senior management role – a huge leap from the isolated desk research role that I had been in. I have been running into my own old habits turning into obstacles. I turn to the Playing Big lessons when I find a new struggle that I can’t resolve and the content leads me to look at situations in new ways, opening new solutions and opportunities. Playing Big has increased my confidence and effectiveness, while lowering my stress and worry. Perfectly delivered to help me grow into the leader that I have been asked to be. – Yvonne Juarez

I’ve experienced significant changes because of this program. I am able to put my learning, qualifications, and skills to best use because I communicate more clearly. I find that others are more clear about my role and contributions, which means they know when to come to me for input and when the request should go elsewhere. My profile is also growing in the industry, which is positive for the organization I work for. I manage my time better because I understand my role and worth, so delegate tasks more easily when appropriate. I also communicate more confidently with senior managers and with the people who report to me. I am generally more professional, happier, and putting energy into areas that align with the organization’s mission, as well as my own values. – Joelle Adams

I’m wondering…

How do you approach diversity and inclusion in the course? And how do you do anti-racist work through this program?
Ensuring diversity and inclusion has been a key part of our work in designing the Playing Big programs from early on. Here are some of the ways we’ve done that throughout the past several years:
  • •  Since the program’s inception, we regularly gather feedback on the course experience from BIPOC women and ensure that the program is impactful, relevant and inclusive. We do this both through periodic deep dive conversations and quantitative course evaluation data.
  • •  Integrating discussions of culture, identity and bias throughout our modules.
  • •  A robust course scholarship program that serves individuals working in social justice, public service and activism, so that our trainings can help amplify work being done in those areas.

We also know there is a lot more that we can do – and we are committed to continuing to grow in this area. Our continued work includes advising from and consultation with our DEI consultant, continued feedback gathering from participants, and ongoing expansion of our curriculum.

Is this just for people who identify as women?
No. The Playing Big tools and model were developed largely through work with individuals who identify as women. Some parts of our content relate to the specific ways women and girls are socialized, research on women in the workplace, and the kinds of biases women are often met with.

That being said, individuals who identify as a wide range of genders have found usefulness in the tools. Many of our tools have near universal applicability. Others are resonant for those who are underrepresented in current power structures – for a wide range of reasons, including and apart from gender.

Individuals of all genders are welcomed as full participants in the course, and graduates of the program can take what they’ve learned and integrate into work with any population they desire to support.
I feel ambivalent about the very idea of “playing big.”
You are not alone. Many of us share these mixed feelings about the notion of playing big. Many of us worry that playing big will mean leaving behind things we love — free time, or the quiet and simple parts of our lives. Many of us worry that playing bigger would mean we’d somehow stand out, or stand apart, from the people we love — and we don’t want that. Many of us feel fatigued by our culture’s need for everything to be big, bigger, biggest. We know that’s not sustainable for human beings or the planet. We don’t want to perpetuate that kind of thinking.

All of these ambivalences are very normal — and in my view, they are precisely the reason why we need a context and a journey to redefine and reclaim playing big for ourselves — to find a playing big that is aligned with our values, allows us to stay in community and relationship, and that’s good for the earth, too.

In the Playing Big program, each person defines playing big on their own terms. For most, playing big does not mean owning an empire or getting overtaken by a drive toward success. Playing big means courageously going for your personal dreams and longings and having the positive impact your heart wants to have in the world.
I want to play bigger, but I already feel exhausted and overwhelmed, and I’m trying to do less in my life. How does the course fit with that?
This program teaches an inside-out definition of playing big. Playing big isn’t about striving harder or doing more. It is about honestly accepting one’s true aspirations and callings and playing big in going for them. Because it leads to us being more aligned with our authentic selves, and more tapped into our passions, it generally creates more energy, less stress, and far less striving in our lives. It’s an alternative to perfectionistic go-go-going​ — a deeper path of self-actualization.
Honestly, I feel intimidated and nervous about signing up.
You aren’t alone. Our self-doubts tend to show up when we are embarking on something unfamiliar, especially something that matters to our hearts. Know that having that inner critic chatter away in moments like these is very common. And also know that you are coming into a very welcoming, gentle community! If our past course participants are any indicator, by the end of our first meeting, those doubts will be quieted and you will be feeling exhilarated and joyful about being in the course!
What if I don’t know what I want to Play Big with?
That’s okay. Some participants come into the course with a specific idea of what playing bigger looks like for them. Others aren’t sure, but find that the skills and tools we learn in the course allow them to play bigger in all areas of their lives and support them as their next passion or professional direction emerges.
I’m not sure if online learning would really work for me?
It’s a great question. Many past participants have been surprised at how easy and engaging the online format is. Here are a few things to keep in mind: The course materials are always simple to access. The course combines written materials, worksheets and exercises, live calls, and recorded audio and video learning. The variety of formats means you’ll be able to digest the material in ways that work for you. The pluses of a distance-learning approach are that you’ll connect with like-minded women from all over the world and that you can learn/participate in a way that works easily with your schedule.
What if my life gets super busy during the course, and I can’t complete it at this time?
All program materials are yours for life — so even if an unexpected change in your schedule happens, you can still get the full value of the program when you are ready. We’ve also structured the program so that you can easily skip a module (or more) but join us wherever we are in the program, then catch up on the other modules when you have time.
What is your refund policy?
If within the first 30 days of the program, you find the program isn’t working for you, and you have submitted your completed program materials and worksheets from the course to date, you may request a cancellation of your membership and receive a refund.
I’m just not sure.
Well, if you were my coaching client I’d ask you to:
  • Check in with your body: How does the idea of registering feel in your body — good and exciting? Good but scary/exhilarating? Those are good signs.
  • Notice what part of you is hesitant: Your inner wisdom? Listen up. Inner critic? Voice of fear? Not good voices to listen to. Question what they are saying. Especially question any voices telling you that you somehow don’t measure up to being in this group, or won’t be able to “do it right,” or that the time to do this has to be just right.
  • Explore: Is there a particular fear or worry you have? If so, write it down and examine it in the light.
  • Ask yourself: If you knew you couldn’t fail at this, and that you’d fit in beautifully with the group — what would you do?
  • Reflect: What are your intentions for the coming year? Does this feel well aligned, or not?
Registration Closed

Playing Big Program Now In Session

Our next session of the Playing Big Program will open for registration in late 2025. Sign up below to receive articles and inspiration from Tara, and to be on the list to get advanced information about our next session (including early bird discounts!).

Past Playing Big Participants Say…

"This is nuts and bolts, tangible work. It is not ambiguous, abstract, “think positive” ideas; it is practical and real. Tara provides tasks and exercises that are continually teaching me about myself. Tara’s work has shown me pathways in my life that I wasn’t able to see before taking Playing Big."

Emily Gubler, Emergency Medical Technician

"This Playing Big thing is amazing! …and unsettling, too! Here’s the thing, I listen to the calls, do the handouts, and listen to the recordings (many times!) — I think I’m getting it, I feel like I’m getting it. So I go about my day. And then I have a moment in my day when I {know} I’m getting it. It’s like a land mine, I just stumble across it. An explosion. And I realize that I am that girl that I have been trying to be. I am leaning into the better part of myself. O. M. G."

Jodi Riddick, Interior Designer

"I found Playing Big to be a fantastic program which is helping me to find greater definition and fulfillment in my life’s work. I feel more clear about my long-term goals and I have defined steps to reach them. Most importantly, I have learned that I am ready to step up, claim my place, and share my unique gifts with the world."

Ivy Glasgow, Architect

"I’m EXTREMELY satisfied with what I got from this course! It is a collection of absolutely essential and brilliant tools that will be useful throughout my professional and personal life. THANK YOU for all the brilliance, work, thoughtfulness, knowledge, experience, connections, and (very importantly!) the love and passion that you put into this course!"

Beth Molnar, Associate Professor, Northeastern University & President, Board of Directors, Boston Area Rape Crisis Center

"Playing Big exceeded my high expectations and provided me with a wealth of practical, new tools. I loved seeing tangible results within the first weeks of the course and building from there. Tara, thank you for your dedication to women’s leadership and authentic self-expression. You inspire me!"

Sara Ellis Conant, Leadership Coach
  • “Playing Big was a priceless experience. This is by far the BEST online/ecourse I have ever taken — and I’ve taken a bunch!” – Playing Big program graduate
  • “I can’t WAIT for you to do another Playing Big course so I can send it to all my friends. This has been one of the most AMAZING courses I have ever done in my life. I loved it. Thank you so much.” – Playing Big program graduate
  • “A huge thank you. Financially a stretch for me but SO worth every penny. Seriously — this completely changed my life! xoxo” – Playing Big program graduate
  • “Playing Big is a godsend. Pure and simple.” – Playing Big program graduate

Hear From More Leading Women About Playing Big

Rachel Naomi Remen, M.D.

In Playing Big, Tara Mohr offers you the keys to unlocking your gifts, your potential and your power to make a difference. Tara’s deep insights, her practical action steps and her real life stories will set you free.

Rachel Naomi Remen, M.D.
Author of Kitchen Table Wisdom and My Grandfather’s Blessings
Maria Shriver

Tara and I share the same philosophy: we hope inspirational ideas will ignite you to go out and make an impact in your own life. Whether she’s writing for or urging others to become a change agent through her book, Tara is practicing the Playing Big words she preaches.

Maria Shriver
Kelly McGonigal, PH.D.

Tara Mohr offers a new model of leadership, one that acknowledges and embraces the complex realities of women’s lives. Playing Big is the perfect catalyst for any woman who wants to go outside her comfort zone, find her voice, and embrace the biggest possibilities of her life.

Kelly McGonigal, PH.D.
Author of The Willpower Instinct
Registration Closed

Playing Big Program Now In Session

Our next session of the Playing Big Program will open for registration in late 2025. Sign up below to receive articles and inspiration from Tara, and to be on the list to get advanced information about our next session (including early bird discounts!).